The company is aware, committed, and gives importance to building access to goods and services including creating a good quality of life to all groups of stakeholders through products and services.

Community-based development is promoted to enhance the quality of life and well-being of the community in the long run. And give consideration to the balance between environment, society, economy and good corporate governance.

Target and Performance

Respect For Human Rights

The Company places importance on labour practices and respect for human rights with fairness, equality and non-discrimination. This includes employment, compensation, career development and promotion, training and development, health including occupational health and safety as well as labour protection.

Personnel data statistics

Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment

The Company provides safe and hygienic working conditions and working environments. as well as to promote and support the work of the employees to prevent the employee from being harmed to life, body, mind and health, so that the employee has the duty to cooperate with the employer in carrying out and promoting occupational safety. and working environment To ensure safety for employees and business establishments

Policy and practice guidelines in maintaining information security

Disseminating knowledge to employees on code of conduct and anti-corruption policies

The Company had disseminated its Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy for employees at all levels. This is in line with the Corporate Governance (CG) with the focus on creating efficient, transparent, verifiable company by considering all stakeholders.

Anti-Corruption Policy

Employee development

The Company realizes and attaches great importance to human resource development. Therefore, a training and capacity development policy has been developed. The Company has established “training institute” under the Human Resources Management Department which is directly responsible for training courses that offering both in-house trainings and public trainings. The internal and external courses cover the content of core competencies development for the Company as well as managerial competency and functional competency.

Model for Learning and Development
Human Resource Development Policy

Vendor/Contractor Selection Policy

This policy is intended to guide the Company's procurement operations. with the seller and/or the contractor to go smoothly This covers the prevention of business risks arising from legal issues. Articles of Association and related requirements of the company and subsidiaries, partners (suppliers) with the belief that ethical business practices will result in sustainable business growth.